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Nov 4, 2012 at 3:29am

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headed up, and up

January 28, 2011 at 6:37pm

i seem to only find the time to post when i'm upset. why have i done this to myself? it's absolute misery. i thought i needed to be on my own. my own house. my own bills. my own life. i didn't want to share that; but now i'm not so sure anymore.

i miss him like hell. two friggin' years and i just threw it away and stomped it to peices.

what have i done? why did i do this again? fuck! i'd say this qualifies as one of the most MORONIC things i've done in my lifetime.

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later use

October 4, 2010 at 0:50am

good comic though. check it out.

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pessimism makes sure i'm never disappointed

April 19, 2010 at 7:34pm

i see the layout of the site has changed immensely. love it. love love love it. now someone is sure see my crazy bullshit. lord, no.

i can't imagine all my troubles just going away today. so why not complain until someone magically just takes it away?

here something raddle your mind. i'm most definitely in love and so slightly happy sometimes. so slightly. something will have to give so i can hold on to the feeling. j says i do not express my feelings enough. surely that is not a downfall. i'd rather not start some silly arguement. i'd rather not talk bout my emotions to be honest. who cares? blah blah.

she runs through the night
as if nobody cares
she screams
and she cries and ignores all the stares

picture time. it has been so long.

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August 31, 2009 at 5:12am


it's just another fork in the road. but it feels more like a knife. if i were more eloquent, if i were more pristine; maybe i could still be going places. but going places is only getting harder, and harder. i am tired. physically and mentally. and fuck this. fuck all of this. fuck you, and fuck your mothers, and fuck this blog. fuck nebraska. fuck seeing your breath in the fucking wind. your house, your cat, your fancy fucking digital cable. fuck being vague. fuck accepting faults. fuck me. but mostly fuck you.

i won't always be like this. because it is not that bad.

i have a case of the vainglories.

or maybe the swine.

fucking wake me up.


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August 28, 2009 at 11:38pm

homeguy: hey
sassycasserole: hi
homeguy: wanna have fun ?
sassycasserole: not for real
homeguy: virtual :)
sassycasserole: not for virtual
homeguy: :)
homeguy: ure funny :)
sassycasserole: i know

so, besides idiots on the internet i have been dull. i say that so i do not have to think about what HASN'T been dull.

so stressed.

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User since

Nov 19, 2006 at 7:23pm


Auburn, AL


well functioning pens, sleepy time, dinner time, the color yellow, making something from nothing, funny goons, being barefoot, dark chocolate, family, coffee, dirt, whiskey, late nights, and early mornings.


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